Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! (and... paranoia at it's best)

I hope everyone has had a wonderful and happy new year's eve and that 2011 offers the best that is yet to come!

I am so excited for this year. In February we're going on a cruise, in June is our 3 year anniversary and in Sept. we'll be bringing home a baby!

I am still feeling great. No symptoms at all. So, of course, I've still been freaking out. I got my Auntie to do my betas again today and doing the math they should have been over 620.

They were over 2000!!! I am so happy : )

2010 has been a great year for us. We went on a wonderful vacation in Mexico, I bought a new car, we celebrated our 2nd anniversary, my beautiful niece, Aaliyah, was born, and we got our BFP.
In our TTC journey I got to learn so much about my body. However, and most importantly, I got to meet so many wonderful women through theBump. I love you guys and am so happy to consider you friends!

New Year Resolutions:

I am going to relax and enjoy being pregnant. Going to put away my bbt and give away my leftover OPKs to whoever needs them.

We are going to save money!

And I am going to try to be healthier.

: ) Happy New Year :)