Friday, December 24, 2010

4 FRER, 2 Clearblue Digis and a Blood Test all say...

I am KTFU!

I can't believe it. I'm still holding my breath because I can't imagine us being so lucky as to get pregnant on our first succesful Clomid cycle. Please, baby, stick.

I POAS Tuesday night just for the hell of it. My period was due the next day and I had had some cramping. I freaked when I saw the 2nd line.... Adam freaked when he realized that he was holding a stick I just urinated on.

Wednesday morning, I went for a beta with my Auntie. She said the results were "inconclusive." Basically it was a positive, but not high enough (come to find out she thought I had said I had been pregnant since September, not that my due date would probably be Sept.), I had blood taken today and they doubled : )

First baby purchase: a diaper bag from coach : )

Merry Christmas to me and Adam!


  1. Oh Kaz that is the best Christmas gift ever!!!!! I have not been on the boards but this just warms my heart knowing everything you have been thru to get here! Here s to sticky babies in 2011!
